Thursday, February 5, 2009

So Mr. Tooth is back

Welcome back Mr. Tooth! So I was mad at Mr.Tooth for having to get the crown and cost me $354.00, BUT on the other end, I was relieved that the process had begun. So that was yesterday. I had a sandwich at lunch today and I was chewing and it was a little sensitive on that side, so I chewed on the other and just assumed that it was a natural reaction to the drilling.

Mom cooked a roast today in the crock pot. She added some carrots and let it slow cook all day. All yummy and soft! And to add a recipe....crock pot, chuck roast and a packet of Lipton's Onion soup dumped on the roast. Turn on low and let it go all day. If you want to add veggies...go for it. Just let it go in its own juice. Perfect!

So just mushing around the soft carrots and then:

Mr. Tooth's temp crown popped off! All I can say is dang the short molar, but I will also say that I love Dr. Hazouri and that you can call his cell phone at any time. I will be back in the chair at 9:15 in the morning. I might bring some super glue to help! AND I have my Ipod is coming with!

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